How Glaxo marketed an ailment
How Glaxo marketed an ailment
By Jeanne Whalen
The Wall Street Journal Europe
25 Oct 2006
WHEN DRUG GIANT GlaxoSmithKline PLC launched a new medicine for restless-legs syndrome last year, few people had heard of the aff liction, and some physicians were skeptical that it even existed. Today, the drug, Requip, is on track to post sales of... read more...
By Jeanne Whalen
The Wall Street Journal Europe
25 Oct 2006
WHEN DRUG GIANT GlaxoSmithKline PLC launched a new medicine for restless-legs syndrome last year, few people had heard of the aff liction, and some physicians were skeptical that it even existed. Today, the drug, Requip, is on track to post sales of... read more...